isn't that so crazy? I already can't believe I've been out for 10 months but here I am!
So President and Sister Turvey, our new Mission President and his wife arrived! We met them on Friday and they both seem wonderful and very nice. They shared a couple thoughts and gave us a couple challenges to work on so it's been good! I'm excited to get to know them better for however long they end up being here!
My new companion's name is Sister Weyland and she's so interesting! She was born in UT, but has moved around a lot and is most recently living in Germany. She's super creative and likes to write poetry, make videos, and do all sorts of stuff! She's a super crazy hard worker and it will definitely be an interesting transfer :)
So I'm in Lancaster! But to make things super fun we are also covering Barrow (both virtually and in-person from time to time), as well as Crosby (only virtually). Basically in a nutshell, I'm working three areas and am in the process of organizing everything so we can be effective and not let anything slip through the cracks. It's going to be a fun transfer! And yay! Because we are covering multiple areas we get to keep the car for now!
FUNNY STORY (that portrays me as an idiot again)
Pretty much this week I got confused between diesel and petrol when trying to fill up our car. In my defense, I can never remember what the US equivalent to petrol is, and there are so many differences between the US and UK that I wasn't sure if diesel was different too. So guess which loser put diesel in a petrol car? That's right. Me. Classic. Ugh. We went to start the car the next day and all the lights came on, but it wouldn’t start. So it only took 6 hours, multiple phone calls (some at the same time), and a credit card number from the mission to sort it out and get our car fixed. Moral of the story, don't fill up a petrol car with diesel.
Yesterday morning, we joined FIVE different virtual church services (four from the three areas, and one for our friend's first time joining Manchester YSA). But the highlight of the day was still going to a member family's home to partake of the sacrament for the second time during the entire lockdown period.
Our new Mission President and his wife did a devotional with all the missionaries, and she talked about sunflowers. She said that we, like them, need to always follow the Son. That's what will keep us alive, and help us to bring others joy!
We'll be having another Why I Believe devotional this Sunday at 6:30 BST (I think that's 11:30 MDT) so I invite all of you to tune in! (Here is the link). This time, we'll have testimonies from the first set of people to be baptized since the lockdown started, so it will be super memorable. Feel free to invite everyone to tune in and be BLOWN AWAY! See the video below.
Love you all lots and have a great week!
Photographs below :)
Weekly Letter #43: August 3, 2020
John Pursglove