This week has been really good! We had a few days off this week (but had to spend the time with members who had volunteered to take us in) so we were able to go to members’ homes for Christmas Eve and Christmas. We got so much food and met so many people and played games and were able to take a break for one second so yay! The members and people here are so nice and they've given us 4 scarves, 2 hats, 3 boxes of chocolate, and 3 bottles of champagne. Hahaha the champagne we gave to our next door neighbor—don’t worry.
On Christmas Eve we went and sang in the middle of town centre (which is not a small town centre) with all of our district and a few friends and the Elders went and made all the friends and we just sang and watched them talk to everyone. So the Elders made 4 friends and we supported them! Yay! It was surprisingly very fun and it made it feel a lot more like Christmas!
ALSO we had a FAMILY come to church for the first time in Oldham for months! We had phone-contacted this week and someone called us and told us they were interested. Then, lo and behold, guess whose whole family showed up on the 22nd of December? Them! Pray we can still keep in touch and teach them all!
Funny story for the week: We were out in town centre talking to people, and Sister Patea was talking to so many people and they were actually talking to her and being nice and we were so confused as to why they all were talking to her. I was looking at her and realized that her tag was flipped around, so I pointed it out to her and she flipped it over. As soon as she flipped it, people realized she was a missionary and no one talked to her anymore. They love us here.
Anyway here's a spiritual thought for you all:
Go to lds.org and watch from minute 13 on in The Christ Child video. Then cry. Then sit and think about how many gifts the Savior has given you and what your response would be if you saw the Savior.
Anywho, hopefully you all have a lovely New Year's Eve and day! Love you all!
Sister Pursglove
P.S. Next week’s p-day schedule is all mixed up again and I’m not really sure when I will be somewhere I can send an email so who knows when you’ll hear from me.
Photographs below :)
A Methodist church, Nativity in a window, Christmas lights on a street, our wall Christmas tree, Sister Patea trying my Kraft Mac & Cheese, the two of us, my desk, me in a field

Weekly Letter #13: December 26, 2019
John Pursglove