My new companion is Sister Patea from France and she's so nice and funny! We get along really well so here's hoping we can boost Oldham to be a really killer area.
This week has been really good, but hard! Oldham is the cutest city with some really crazy old buildings, and then new shopping centres with a town centre that is really great for street contacting. Oldham is kind of a dead area right now, and we don't have a lot of friends because our Area Book wasn't kept super well, so it's kind of like we're whitewashing (starting from scratch). Won't lie, it's a little stressful because it's something new, but it's also nice because it's giving us the opportunity to build up our area anew! So pray we find lots of friends this week!
In St. Helens, we mostly did bus contacting and working through the members, but here we do tracting (or chapping) and street contacting because Oldham’s town square is really big and busy. We actually met someone this week in Town Square that we talked to for about 25 minutes about the Plan of Salvation and she was really interested and said it all made sense which is good! So hopefully we can meet with her this week!
Last week before I left St. Helens, I got to go meet with the Töröks (my favorite family) and we had a really amazing lesson about why life is hard and how putting our faith in Christ can get us through that. It was so spiritual and a really touching moment. Doctrine and Covenants section 121 folks. It's a classic.
Also this week we had a “recent convert” fireside where people who have been baptized recently bear their testimony and talk about their conversion story. The Lord really does prepare people and He has a plan for each of us and really wants the best for us. This does sometimes include letting the missionaries in and talking to them. #Lee
Funny story for the week: We went to the church to make dinner before the fireside, and we had about an hour before we had to leave so we put some pasta on. Well, apparently the oven top in the Church is terrible, because it took 52 minutes to even get the water to boil, so we didn't get to eat dinner on Fast Sunday until 9 :(
Here are my spiritual thoughts for the week:
- I read the talk "A Measure of our Hearts" by Elder Ashton (any talk by him is good) and it's so great. Would highly recommend.
- Light the World is out! Go invite your friends to "Come and See" Sunday on December 22! Sign up for service prompts on lighttheworld.org. Follow along with their daily service calendar. Watch The Christ Child Nativity video and do the family home evening lesson that goes along with it. #LightTheWorld
- Feed the missionaries. They are poor and hungry. My mission card hasn’t been working since I arrived in the field (I’m supposed to get my new one next week) so I was given cash while I was in St. Helens, but since arriving in Oldham I’m low on funds and my companion doesn’t like to spend much on food. We literally have 1 piece of bread with honey for breakfast and lunch and a bowl of rice for dinner. Haha.
- As a mission, we are going through and marking everything in the scriptures that references Christ and His example and His doctrine. Very good so far. Would recommend that as well.
Have a good week and thanks for your emails! Sorry I never have any time to respond; please forgive me!
Sister Pursglove
Fave food: Gregg's potato and steak pasty. Mmm
Photographs below :) by the way, none of these are of my new companion because I have not taken any pictures with her yet - whoops! :)
Weekly Letter #10: December 2, 2019
John Pursglove